Salt of the Earth Skin

Website Review



Salt of the Earth Skin is a results-driven, holistic skin health clinic rooted in the science of Corneotherapy. I had the opportunity to partner with Salt of the Earth Skin to review their existing website from a usability perspective, aiming to ensure their clients have an enjoyable and seamless experience using the site.

This assessment specifically considered the following factors:

  • Usability: Can new users easily understand the website?

  • Accessibility: Can users with disabilities use the website?

  • Information Architecture: Is the website easy to navigate?

  • Visual Design: Is the website aesthetically pleasing?

  • Content: Is the website content clear and understandable?


Based on my review, I identified five key opportunities for improvement.

01 Optimize Navigation

Shorten navigation titles for enhanced readability and a streamlined menu presentation on a single row, facilitating a more user-friendly and visually cohesive navigation experience.

Photo of Salt of the Earth Skin website navigation

02 Improve Footer Design

Streamline the footer design to indicate the end of page content while retaining essential information.

Photo of footer design for Salt of the Earth Skin's website

03 Increase Engagement

Incorporate a call to action on the website's homepage to guide clients to take specific actions, such as scheduling an appointment, leading to increased conversions and a more effective user journey.

Photo of suggested home page design for Salt of the Earth Skin's website

04 Enhance Webpage Structure

Ensure each webpage has a relevant page title, and for each major section, incorporate meaningful headings to enhance clarity and user experience.

Photo of suggested webpage design including titles for each major section

05 Elevate Webpage Layout

Implement consistency in design elements, maintaining a uniform layout structure and a consistent font style, including the uniform utilization of upper and lowercase, to ensure a cohesive and visually appealing user experience.

Photo of suggested services page design

Final Thoughts

My review of Salt of the Earth Skin's website identified five critical areas for improvement. Addressing these issues will enhance the overall user experience, making the website more intuitive, accessible, and engaging for clients. Implementing these recommendations will ensure that Salt of the Earth Skin's online presence effectively supports their commitment to holistic skin health, ultimately leading to increased client satisfaction and engagement.


Harambee Center - Website Review