Harambee Center

Website Review



Harambee Center is a nonprofit organization that fosters educational, healthcare, and community engagement initiatives. It focuses on service projects that improve lives in rural Eastern Africa, educate Pacific Northwesterners about Africa, and connect Pacific Northwest and East African communities.

I had the opportunity to assist a team of three designers in conducting a usability review of their existing website. This assessment specifically considered the following factors:

  • Usability: Can new users easily understand the website?

  • Accessibility: Can users with disabilities use the website?

  • Information Architecture: Is the website easy to navigate?

  • Visual Design: Is the website aesthetically pleasing?

  • Content: Is the website content clear and understandable?


Based on our review, we identified five key opportunities for improvement.

01 Add Website Policies

Include the following documentation: Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Accessibility Statement, Data Storage Disclosure, an up-to-date Copyright Notice, and Cookie Consent Policy (if applicable).

02 Update Main Menu Navigation

Streamline main menu navigation to prioritize key sections and shorten names for easy scanning. Include a high-contrast “DONATE” button at the end to emphasize its importance and encourage user engagement.

Photo of Harambee Center main menu navigation

03 Optimize User Engagement

Include a compelling title and mission statement on the homepage to communicate the organization's primary goal clearly. Provide key information for users, guiding them on what to do during their initial visit. Streamline choices to prevent overwhelm and enhance the user experience.

Photo of suggested Harambee Center home page design depicting webpage title and mission statement placement

04 Improve Information Architecture

Create an effective information architecture by logically nesting pages, improving users’ ability to find information such as events, volunteer opportunities, and donation options. Additionally, remove or resolve broken and dead links for a better user experience.

Photo of Harambee Center menu options

05 Create an Inclusive Web Experience

Enhance accessibility to ensure all users have a positive user experience:

  • Improve color contrast throughout the website, including main navigation to accommodate users with visual impairments or color blindness.

  • Implement semantic HTML to enhance the structure and meaning of content, improving accessibility for screen readers.

  • Optimize the website for keyboard navigation to accommodate users who rely on keyboard input or other assistive technologies.

Final Thoughts

Our usability review of the Harambee Center's website has highlighted critical areas for enhancement. By addressing these five key opportunities for improvement, the Harambee Center can significantly enhance user experience, accessibility, and overall effectiveness of their online presence. Implementing these recommendations will help the organization better serve its mission of fostering educational, healthcare, and community engagement initiatives, while strengthening the connection between Pacific Northwesterners and East African communities.


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